- stardust.geometry.ops3d.bbox.box_size_alignment.corner_align(box_3d, align_size)[source]
Implementation of corner align from paper https://arxiv.org/abs/2101.06586 Align shape based on original box: box_3d and new size: align_size
- Args:
- box_3d:
box in stardust coordiante, (x, y, z, …, heading)
- align_size:
new size, (length on x axis, length on y axis, ..)
- Return:
Aligned bounding box
- stardust.geometry.ops3d.bbox.occlusion.obj_occluded_check(points, img_info, save_bboxes, save_labels, save_scores, area_thr=0.7)[source]
Check if lidar objects are occluded on img
- Args:
- points:
point cloud points
- img_info:
list of dicts contain img and cam info, you can get this through func: ./utils/projection/helper/decode_img_sources
- save_bboxes:
bounding boxes
- save_labels:
- save_scores:
conf scores
- area_thr:
threshold for occlusion decision
- Return:
occlusion mask, True means it is occluded
- stardust.geometry.ops3d.bbox.reflector.exclude_reflector(points, boxes, imagine, render_path)[source]
In some training scenario, model will have a higher precision when reflector of vehicles isn’t within the bounding box This function changes the size of bounding boxes to exclude reflectors This function assume there is at least one point in bbox
- Args:
- points:
point cloud points, (N, 3)
- boxes:
bounding boxes, (M, 7)
- imagine:
True means bounding box will imagine there is a reflector manually even though it is invisible from point cloud False means bounding box will not imagine there is a reflector manually if it is invisible
- Return:
New bounding boxes, (M, 7)