Source code for stardust.geometry.ops3d.projection.project2img

from typing import Dict
import math
import numpy as np
from .helper import decode_cam_sources

def pointcloud2cam(points: np.ndarray, extrin: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    Project point cloud points to camera coordinate

            np.ndarray with shape (N, 4)
            extrinsics, (4, 4)

            Points in camera coordiante, (4, 4)
    points_cam = np.matmul(points, extrin.T)
    mask = points_cam[:, 2] > 0
    points_cam = points_cam[mask]
    return points_cam

def fisheye_cam2img(pts_on_cam, cam_skew, alpha, cam_intrin):
    Fisheye camera, from camera coordinate to image coordinate






    k1, k2, k3, k4 = cam_skew[0], cam_skew[1], cam_skew[2], cam_skew[3]
    xc, yc, zc = pts_on_cam[:, 0], pts_on_cam[:, 1], pts_on_cam[:, 2]
    a, b = xc / (np.abs(zc)), yc / (np.abs(zc))  # N * 1, N * 1
    r = np.array([math.sqrt(a_ ** 2 + b_ ** 2) for a_, b_ in zip(a, b)])  # N * 1
    theta = np.array([math.atan(r_) if zc_ > 0 else math.pi - math.atan(r_) for r_, zc_ in zip(r, zc)])  # N * 1
    theta_d = np.array([theta_ * (1 + k1 * theta_ ** 2 + k2 * theta_ ** 4 + k3 * theta_ ** 6 + k4 * theta_ ** 8) for theta_ in theta])  # N * 1
    scale = np.array([1.0 / r_ if r_ > 1e-8 else 1.0 for r_ in r])
    x_ = np.array([(theta_d_ * scale_) * a_ for theta_d_, scale_, a_ in zip(theta_d, scale, a)]).reshape(-1, 1)
    y_ = np.array([(theta_d_ * scale_) * b_ for theta_d_, scale_, b_ in zip(theta_d, scale, b)]).reshape(-1, 1)
    cam_boxes = np.hstack((x_, y_, np.ones((x_.shape[0], 2))))
    cam_intrin[0][1] = alpha
    img_boxes = np.matmul(cam_boxes, cam_intrin.T)
    return img_boxes[:, :2]

def cam2img(points: np.ndarray, intrin: np.ndarray, type=None, cam_skew=None, alpha=None):
    Project points from camera coordinate to image coordiante

        points: (N * 4)
        intrin: (N * 4)
        type: None or str
        cam_skew: (4, )
        alpha: int

        pts_in_img: (N, 2)
    if type is None or type == 'Pinhole':
        points_img = np.matmul(points, intrin.T)
        x, y = points_img[0] / points_img[2], points_img[1] / points_img[2]
        pts_in_img = np.stack([x, y], axis=1)
    elif type == 'Fisheye':
        if alpha is None:
            alpha = 0
        pts_in_img = fisheye_cam2img(points, cam_skew, alpha, intrin)
        raise NotImplementedError
    return pts_in_img

[docs] def pointcloud2img(frame_info: Dict, cam_idx: int, points_3d: np.ndarray, img_path=None, res_save_path=None, visual=False): """ Project 3D points on images Args: frame_info: Dict cam_idx: int dfsghj points_3d: np.ndarray (N, 3) ghj Return: img_pixels: (N, 2) """ cams_info_lst = decode_cam_sources(frame_info) pcd_points = np.hstack((points_3d, np.ones((points_3d.shape[0], 1)))) # N * 4 cam = cams_info_lst[cam_idx]['camera'] cam2lidar_rt = cam.cam2lidar_rt lidar2cam_rt = np.asarray(np.linalg.inv(cam2lidar_rt)) points_cam = pointcloud2cam(pcd_points, lidar2cam_rt)[:, :3] if points_cam.shape[0] == 0: return None cam_type = cam.camera_type img_pixels = [] if cam_type == 'PinHole': for point_cam in points_cam: img_pixel = cam._pinhole_3dto2d(point_in_cam=point_cam) img_pixels.append(img_pixel) elif cam_type == 'Fisheye': for point_cam in points_cam: img_pixel = cam._fisheye_3dto2d(point_in_cam=point_cam) img_pixels.append(img_pixel) elif cam_type == 'OmniDirectional': for point_cam in points_cam: img_pixel = cam._omnidirectional_3dto2d(point_in_cam=point_cam) img_pixels.append(img_pixel) if visual and img_path is not None: import cv2 img = cv2.imread(img_path) h, w = img.shape[0], img.shape[1] for (x_, y_) in img_pixels: if 0 <= x_ < w and 0 <= y_ < h:, (int(x_), int(y_)), 1, (0, 0, 255)) if res_save_path is not None: cv2.imwrite(res_save_path, img) else: print('please identify your visualization result save path') return img_pixels