Source code for stardust.geometry.ops3d.bbox.occlusion

from typing import List

import numpy as np
import open3d as o3d
from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
from shapely.geometry import Polygon

from .proj_helper import get_img_points
from stardust.geometry.ops3d.bbox.structure.bbox_np_ops import points_in_rbbox

[docs] def obj_occluded_check(points: np.ndarray, img_info: List, save_bboxes: np.ndarray, save_labels: np.ndarray, save_scores: np.ndarray, area_thr=0.7 ): """ Check if lidar objects are occluded on img Args: points: point cloud points img_info: list of dicts contain img and cam info, you can get this through func: ./utils/projection/helper/decode_img_sources save_bboxes: bounding boxes save_labels: labels save_scores: conf scores area_thr: threshold for occlusion decision Return: occlusion mask, True means it is occluded """ num_camera = len(img_info) box_mask = np.full((save_bboxes.shape[0],), True, dtype=bool) # 记录框离原点的距离 box_distance = np.sqrt(np.sum(save_bboxes[:, :3] ** 2, axis=1)) save_bboxes_withd = np.hstack((save_bboxes, box_distance.reshape(save_bboxes.shape[0], 1))) # N * 4 # 将save_bboxes根据离原点距离排序 sorted_indices = np.argsort(save_bboxes_withd[:, -1]) save_bboxes_withd = save_bboxes_withd[sorted_indices] save_bboxes = save_bboxes_withd[:, :-1] save_labels = save_labels[sorted_indices] save_scores = save_scores[sorted_indices] points_mask = points_in_rbbox(points, save_bboxes) # 需要一个字典记录每张图像上已经出现过的标注框, 直接保存polygon img_bbox = {i: [] for i in range(num_camera)} model_car ='./car_model_modified.pcd') model_car = np.asarray(model_car.points) l_model_car = np.max(model_car[:, 0]) - np.min(model_car[:, 0]) w_model_car = np.max(model_car[:, 1]) - np.min(model_car[:, 1]) h_model_car = np.max(model_car[:, 2]) - np.min(model_car[:, 2]) for m in range(points_mask.shape[1]): obj_pts = points[points_mask[:, m]] if len(obj_pts) <= 200: box_mask[m] = False continue obj_box = save_bboxes[m].tolist() x, y, z, width, length, height, ry = obj_box scale = np.array([length / l_model_car, width / w_model_car, height / h_model_car]) model_car_scaled = model_car * scale gamma = - np.pi / 2 - ry rm = np.array([[np.cos(gamma), -np.sin(gamma), 0], [np.sin(gamma), np.cos(gamma), 0], [0, 0, 1]]) model_car_scaled = np.matmul(model_car_scaled, rm.T) model_car_scaled[:, [0, 1, 2]] = model_car_scaled[:, [0, 1, 2]] + np.array([x, y, z]) obj_pts_backup, obj_pts = obj_pts, model_car_scaled points_proj_res = get_img_points(obj_pts, num_camera, img_info) points_proj_res_backup = get_img_points(obj_pts_backup, num_camera, img_info) camera_mask = [] # 记录物体在每个相机上的保留关系 for i, (x, y, h, w, occluded_pts) in points_proj_res.items(): # 遍历相机 # 统计投影像素 -> 确认物体是否全部在该图像上 proj_pixels = [] for x_, y_ in zip(x, y): if 0 <= x_ < w and 0 <= y_ < h: proj_pixels.append([x_, y_]) proj_pixels = np.array(proj_pixels) # object pixels on image if i in points_proj_res_backup: proj_pixels_backup = [] val = points_proj_res_backup[i] x, y, h, w = val[0], val[1], val[2], val[3] for x_, y_ in zip(x, y): if 0 <= x_ < w and 0 <= y_ < h: proj_pixels_backup.append([x_, y_]) proj_pixels_backup = np.array(proj_pixels_backup) # object pixels on image if occluded_pts == 0: # 代表物体完整呈现在图像上了 hull = ConvexHull(proj_pixels) hull1 = hull.vertices.tolist() # 要闭合必须再回到起点[0] hull1.append(hull1[0]) poly_vertices = proj_pixels[hull1, :] obj_2d_cur = Polygon(poly_vertices) hull_backup = ConvexHull(proj_pixels_backup) hull1 = hull_backup.vertices.tolist() # 要闭合必须再回到起点[0] hull1.append(hull1[0]) poly_vertices = proj_pixels_backup[hull1, :] obj_2d_cur_backup = Polygon(poly_vertices) # 先比较一下真实点的面积 / 模型缩放车的面积 if obj_2d_cur_backup.area / obj_2d_cur.area <= (1 - area_thr): camera_mask.append(False) masked = True # 记录这个框有没有被遮挡 if img_bbox[i]: # 已经记录更近的框了 # 计算iou whole_union = None for obj_2d_pre in img_bbox[i]: if (obj_2d_pre).intersection(obj_2d_cur).area > 0: if whole_union is None: whole_union = (obj_2d_pre).intersection(obj_2d_cur) else: whole_union = whole_union.union((obj_2d_pre).intersection(obj_2d_cur)) if whole_union is not None: masked_area = whole_union.area / (obj_2d_cur).area if masked_area >= area_thr: masked = False camera_mask.append(masked) img_bbox[i].append(obj_2d_cur) else: img_bbox[i].append(obj_2d_cur) camera_mask.append(masked) # 有截断 else: if len(proj_pixels) >= 3: hull = ConvexHull(proj_pixels) hull1 = hull.vertices.tolist() # 要闭合必须再回到起点[0] hull1.append(hull1[0]) poly_vertices = proj_pixels[hull1, :] obj_2d_cur = Polygon(poly_vertices) iou_flag = True masked = True # 记录这个框有没有被遮挡 if img_bbox[i]: # 已经记录更近的框了 # 计算iou for obj_2d_pre in img_bbox[i]: intersect = (obj_2d_pre).intersection(obj_2d_cur).area union = (obj_2d_pre).union(obj_2d_cur).area masked_area = intersect / (obj_2d_cur).area if masked_area >= area_thr: masked = False break camera_mask.append(masked) img_bbox[i].append(obj_2d_cur) iou_flag = False else: img_bbox[i].append(obj_2d_cur) if iou_flag: if (1 - area_thr) * obj_pts.shape[0] > occluded_pts: camera_mask.append(True) else: camera_mask.append(False) else: camera_mask.append(False) camera_mask = np.any(camera_mask) if not camera_mask: box_mask[m] = False return box_mask