Source code for stardust.geometry.ops3d.bbox.reflector

from copy import deepcopy
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import open3d as o3d
from stardust.geometry.ops3d.bbox.structure.bbox_np_ops import points_in_rbbox, rbbox3d_to_bev_corners

    Remove reflector so that the bounding box is closer to the vehicle

def compute_distance(box):
    compute distance from box center to origin
    return np.sqrt(box[0] ** 2 + box[1] ** 2 + box[2] ** 2)

def stardust2kitti(box):
    box[:, -1] = np.pi - box[:, -1]
    return box

def get_rm(heading):
    rotate theta counterclock wise
    cos = np.cos(heading)
    sin = np.sin(heading)
    return np.array([[cos, -sin],
                     [sin, cos]]).astype(np.float64)

# todo
def remove_one_side_up(pts, x1, x2, interval, imagine):

    xprev, xcurr = x1, x1
    pts_num_ratio = []
    count = 0
    while count <= 8:
        count += 1
        xcurr = xprev - interval
        # num of points within xprev and xcurr
        mask = ((pts[:, 0] <= xprev) &
                (pts[:, 0] >= xcurr))
        num = sum(mask)
        if count == 1 and num == 0:
            if imagine:
                x1 -= interval
        if count == 1:
            xprev = xcurr
            prev_num = num
        ratio = num / prev_num
        xprev = xcurr
    for i, r in enumerate(pts_num_ratio):
        if r >= 200:
            x1 -= (i + 1) * interval
    return x1

def remove_one_side_bottom(pts, x1, x2, interval, imagine):
    xprev, xcurr = x2, x2
    pts_num_ratio = []
    count = 0
    while count <= 8:
        count += 1
        xcurr = xprev + interval
        # num of points within xprev and xcurr
        mask = ((pts[:, 0] >= xprev) &
                (pts[:, 0] <= xcurr))
        num = sum(mask)
        if count == 1 and num == 0:
            if imagine:
                x2 += interval
        if count == 1:
            xprev = xcurr
            prev_num = num
        ratio = num / prev_num
        xprev = xcurr
    for i, r in enumerate(pts_num_ratio):
        if r >= 200:
            x2 += (i + 1) * interval
    return x2

# todo
def remove_reflec_bev(pts_bev, x1, x2, interval, imagine):
        x1: xmax
        x2: xmin
        interval: the interval of slicing bounding box

    x1 = remove_one_side_up(pts_bev, x1, x2, interval, imagine)
    x2 = remove_one_side_bottom(pts_bev, x1, x2, interval, imagine)
    return x1, x2

[docs] def exclude_reflector(points: np.ndarray, boxes: np.ndarray, imagine: bool, render_path: str): """ In some training scenario, model will have a higher precision when reflector of vehicles isn't within the bounding box This function changes the size of bounding boxes to exclude reflectors This function assume there is at least one point in bbox Args: points: point cloud points, (N, 3) boxes: bounding boxes, (M, 7) imagine: True means bounding box will imagine there is a reflector manually even though it is invisible from point cloud False means bounding box will not imagine there is a reflector manually if it is invisible Return: New bounding boxes, (M, 7) """ gt_heading = deepcopy(boxes[:, -1])[0] kitti_boxes = stardust2kitti(boxes) masks = points_in_rbbox(points, kitti_boxes) for i in range(kitti_boxes.shape[0]): box = kitti_boxes[i] box_kittilabel = np.array([box[0], box[1], box[2], box[3], box[4], box[5], box[-1]]) box_bev_corner = rbbox3d_to_bev_corners(box_kittilabel[np.newaxis, ...])[0].astype(np.float64) rm = get_rm(box[-1]) pts_in_box = points[masks[:, i]] # rotate object points so that front of the vehicle heads to the y negative axis x, y, z = box[:3] pts_in_box -= [x, y, z] box_bev_corner -= [x, y] # to bev pts_in_box_bev = pts_in_box[:, :2] # 旋转 pts_in_box_bev = pts_in_box_bev @ rm.T box_bev_corner = box_bev_corner @ rm.T x1, x2 = max(box_bev_corner[:, 0]), min(box_bev_corner[:, 0]) y1, y2 = max(box_bev_corner[:, 1]), min(box_bev_corner[:, 1]) newx1, newx2 = remove_reflec_bev(pts_in_box_bev, x1, x2, 0.08, imagine) new_car_d = newx1 - newx2 new_bev_center = np.array([[newx2 + (newx1 - newx2) / 2, 0]]) # 画图 new_bev_corner = np.array([[newx1, y1], [newx1, y2], [newx2, y1], [newx2, y2]]) render(pts_in_box_bev, box_bev_corner, new_bev_corner, render_path) new_bev_center = new_bev_center @ np.linalg.inv(rm).T + [x, y] if box[3] < box[4]: new_box = [] + new_bev_center.tolist()[0] + [z, new_car_d, box[4], box[5], box[-1]] else: new_box = [] + new_bev_center.tolist()[0] + [z, box[3], new_car_d, box[5], box[-1]] new_box[-1] = gt_heading return np.array(new_box)
def order_points(points): left_top = points[np.argmin(np.sum(points, axis=1))] right_bottom = points[np.argmax(np.sum(points, axis=1))] other_points = [point for point in points if (point.tolist() != left_top.tolist() and point.tolist() != right_bottom.tolist())] right_top = other_points[0] left_bottom = other_points[1] ordered_points = np.array([left_top, right_top, right_bottom, left_bottom, left_top]) return ordered_points def render(pts_bev, gtbox_bev_corner, procbox_bev_corner, render_path): # visualizing eval_range = 6 _, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 10), dpi=500) ax.scatter(pts_bev[:, 0], pts_bev[:, 1], c='red', s=0.2) gtbox_bev_corner = order_points(gtbox_bev_corner) ax.plot(gtbox_bev_corner[:, 0], gtbox_bev_corner[:, 1], linestyle='solid', color='blue') procbox_bev_corner = order_points(procbox_bev_corner) ax.plot(procbox_bev_corner[:, 0], procbox_bev_corner[:, 1], linestyle='solid', color='green') ax.set_xlim(-eval_range - 3, eval_range + 3) ax.set_ylim(-eval_range - 3, eval_range + 3) plt.axis('off') plt.savefig(f"{render_path}/demo.png") plt.close() if __name__ == '__main__': gt_boxes = np.array([[-2.113077501102503, -5.521042369327457, 1.0185785336759907, 2.0715079066265627, 4.550000000000131, 1.696969696969697, 2.7185993154604535]]) pcd_path = 'box_ops/1693197324100.pcd' pcd = pcd_points = np.asarray(pcd.points) new_box = exclude_reflector(pcd_points, gt_boxes, imagine=False)