Source code for stardust.metric.lane_detection

import math
import json
import os
from typing import List, Union, Generator

import cv2
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import linear_sum_assignment

from stardust.components.annotations.point import Point
from stardust.components.annotations.point3d import Point3D

[docs] class LaneIoU2D: def __repr__(self): description = 'Calculate IOU of lanes' return description def _drawlane(self, lane: List, img_size: tuple, line_width: int): img = np.zeros(img_size, dtype=np.uint8) for p1, p2 in zip(lane[:-1], lane[1:]): cv2.line(img, (int(p1[0]), int(p1[1])), (int(p2[0]), int(p2[1])), color=(255, 255, 255), thickness=line_width) return img def _intersection_over_union_lane_2d(self, gt_lanes: List[Point], pd_lanes: List[Point], img_size: tuple): """ Compute IntersectionOverUnion of two 2d lanes Args: gt_lanes: List[Point] The ground true of lanes pd_lanes: List[Point] The prediction of lanes img_size: tuple height and width of origin data Returns: np.ndarray: IoU of 2D lanes Examples: .. code-block:: python from stardust.metric.lane_detection import LaneIoU2D metric = LaneIoU2D() gt_lanes = [Point(1, 1), Point(2, 2), Point(3, 3)] pd_lanes = [Point(1, 1), Point(2, 2), Point(3, 3)] img_size = [256, 512] IOU = metric._intersection_over_union_lane_2d(gt_lanes, pd_lanes, img_size) """ gtlane = [self._drawlane(lane.points.tolist(), img_size=img_size, line_width=10) > 0 for lane in list(gt_lanes.values())] predlane = [self._drawlane(lane.points.tolist(), img_size=img_size, line_width=19) > 0 for lane in list(pd_lanes.values())] IoUs = np.zeros((len(gtlane), len(predlane))) for i, x in enumerate(gtlane): for j, y in enumerate(predlane): IoUs[i, j] = (x & y).sum() / ((x | y).sum() + 1e-6) return IoUs def _keypoints_metric(self, gt_points: List[Point], pred_points: List[Point], dist_threshold: float): """ Compute KeypointsMetric of two 2d lanes Args: gt_lanes: List[Point] The ground truth of points predlane: List[Point] The prediction of points dist_threshold: float The dist threshold of tp points Returns: int: keypoint metric of lanes Examples: .. code-block:: python from stardust.metric.lane_detection import LaneIoU2D metric = LaneIoU2D() gt_lanes = [Point(1, 1), Point(2, 2), Point(3, 3)] pd_lanes = [Point(1, 1), Point(2, 2), Point(3, 3)] tp = metric.KeypointsMetric(gt_lanes, pd_lanes, 3) """ point_distance = np.zeros((len(pred_points), len(gt_points))) # TODO改成矩阵运算 for row, pred_point in enumerate(pred_points): pred_pt = np.array([pred_point[0], pred_point[1]]) for col, gt_point in enumerate(gt_points): gt_pt = np.array([gt_point[0], gt_point[1]]) point_distance[row][col] = np.linalg.norm(gt_pt - pred_pt) dist_list = [] for row in range(point_distance.shape[0]): ind = np.argpartition(point_distance[row], -2)[:2] nearest_points0, nearest_points1 = gt_points[ind[0]], gt_points[ind[1]] gt_p0_x, gt_p0_y, gt_p1_x, gt_p1_y = nearest_points0[0], nearest_points0[1], nearest_points1[0], nearest_points1[1] if gt_p1_x != gt_p0_x: k = (gt_p1_y - gt_p0_y) / (gt_p1_x - gt_p0_x) b = gt_p1_y - k * gt_p1_x A, B, C = k, -1, b else: A, B, C = 1, 0, -gt_p1_x pred_p_x, pred_p_y = pred_points[row][0], pred_points[row][1] dist = abs(A * pred_p_x + B * pred_p_y + C) / math.sqrt(A ** 2 + B ** 2) dist_list.append(dist) tp = int(np.sum(np.where(np.array(dist_list) < dist_threshold, True, False))) return tp # def IntersectionOverUnion3DLane(self, gtlane: List[Point3D], predlane: List[Point3D]): # pass # todo
[docs] def compute(self, gt_lanes: Union[List[Point], List[Point3D]], pd_lanes: Union[List[Point], List[Point3D]], IoU_thr: float, kpt_thr: float, img_size: tuple, lane_type: str): """ Compute metric of lanes Args: gt_lanes: List[Point] The ground truth of lanes pd_lane: List[Point] The prediction of lanes IoU_thr: float The IoU threshold of tp lanes kpt_thr: float The dist threshold of tp points img_size: tuple height and width of origin data lane_type: str which type of lane to compute metric, only support '2D' for now Returns: Tuple: metric of lane_gt, lane_pd, lane_tp, kpt_pd, kpt_tp Examples: .. code-block:: python from stardust.metric.lane_detection import LaneIoU2D metric = LaneIoU2D() gt_lanes = [Point(1, 1), Point(2, 2), Point(3, 3)] pd_lanes = [Point(1, 1), Point(2, 2), Point(3, 3)] lane_gt, lane_pd, lane_tp, kpt_pd, kpt_tp = laneIOU.compute(gt_lanes, pd_lanes, 0.5, (256, 512), '2D) """ if lane_type == '2D': img_size = (1280, 800) lane_gt = len(gt_lanes) lane_pd = len(pd_lanes) kpt_pd = 0 IOU = self._intersection_over_union_lane_2d(gt_lanes=gt_lanes, pd_lanes=pd_lanes, img_size=img_size) row_ind, col_ind = linear_sum_assignment(1 - IOU) kpt_tp = 0 lane_tp = int((IOU[row_ind, col_ind] > IoU_thr).sum()) for row, col in zip(row_ind, col_ind): if IOU[row, col] > IoU_thr: gt_points = list(gt_lanes.values())[row].points.tolist() pd_points = list(pd_lanes.values())[col].points.tolist() kpt_pd += len(pd_points) pt_tp = self._keypoints_metric(gt_points, pd_points, kpt_thr) kpt_tp += pt_tp return lane_gt, lane_pd, lane_tp, kpt_pd, kpt_tp
# else: # IOU = self.IntersectionOverUnion3DLane(gt_lanes, pd_lanes) # return metric IoUMode = { '2D': LaneIoU2D() }
[docs] def compute_metric_single_frame(gt_lanes: List, pd_lanes: List, IoU_thr: float, kpt_thr: float, img_size: tuple, lane_type: str): """ Compute metric of all lanes of single frame Args: gt_lanes: List The ground truth of lanes pr_lane: List The prediction of lanes IoU_thr: float The IoU threshold of tp lanes kpt_thr: float The dist threshold of tp points img_size: tuple height and width of origin data lane_type: str which type of lane to compute metric, only support '2D' for now Returns: metric: tuple """ if lane_type == '2D': assert img_size laneIOU = IoUMode[lane_type] lane_gt, lane_pd, lane_tp, kpt_pd, kpt_tp = laneIOU.compute(gt_lanes, pd_lanes, IoU_thr, kpt_thr, img_size, lane_type) return lane_gt, lane_pd, lane_tp, kpt_pd, kpt_tp
[docs] def compute_metric(data: Generator, IoU_thr=0.5, kpt_thr=3, save_path=None): """ Compute metric of lanes Args: data: Generator A generator object to get all information from all frames IoU_thr: float The IoU threshold of tp lanes kpt_thr: float The dist threshold of tp points save_path: str Local path to save metric results Returns:Tuple The first one represents the metric of every single frame and the second represents the metric of all frames Examples: .. code-block:: python from stardust.metric.lane_detection import compute_metric from stardust.rosetta.rosetta_data import RosettaData project_id = 856 json_datas = read_rosetta(project_id=project_id, input_path=input_path, ) metric = compute_metric(json_datas, 0.5, 3, 'local/') """ total_lane_gt_2d = total_lane_pd_2d = total_lane_tp_2d = total_kpt_pd_2d = total_kpt_tp_2d = 0 metric_output = {} for task_id, json_data in enumerate(data): gts_2d = json_data.annotation.line_lst pds_2d = json_data.prediction.line_lst img_size = (, lane_gt, lane_pd, lane_tp, kpt_pd, kpt_tp = compute_metric_single_frame(gts_2d, pds_2d, IoU_thr, kpt_thr, img_size, '2D') lane_recall = float('nan') if lane_gt == 0 else lane_tp / lane_gt lane_precision = float('nan') if lane_pd == 0 else lane_tp / lane_pd lane_f1 = float('nan') if lane_recall + lane_precision == 0 else 2 * lane_recall * lane_precision / (lane_recall + lane_precision) kpt_accuracy = float('nan') if kpt_pd == 0 else kpt_tp / kpt_pd metric_output[task_id] = dict(lane_gt=lane_gt, lane_pd=lane_pd, lane_tp=lane_tp, lane_recall=lane_recall, lane_precision=lane_precision, lane_f1=lane_f1, kpt_pd=kpt_pd, kpt_tp=kpt_tp, kpt_accuracy=kpt_accuracy) total_lane_gt_2d += lane_gt total_lane_pd_2d += lane_pd total_lane_tp_2d += lane_tp total_kpt_pd_2d += kpt_pd total_kpt_tp_2d += kpt_tp total_lane_recall_2d = float('nan') if total_lane_gt_2d == 0 else total_lane_tp_2d / total_lane_gt_2d total_lane_precision_2d = float('nan') if total_lane_pd_2d == 0 else total_lane_tp_2d / total_lane_pd_2d total_lane_f1_2d = float('nan') if total_lane_recall_2d + total_lane_precision_2d == 0 else 2 * total_lane_recall_2d * total_lane_precision_2d / (total_lane_recall_2d + total_lane_precision_2d) total_kpt_accuracy_2d = float('nan') if total_kpt_pd_2d == 0 else total_kpt_tp_2d / total_kpt_pd_2d metric_total = dict(total_lane_gt_2d=total_lane_gt_2d, total_lane_pd_2d=total_lane_pd_2d, total_lane_tp_2d=total_lane_tp_2d, total_lane_recall_2d=total_lane_recall_2d, total_lane_precision_2d=total_lane_precision_2d, total_lane_f1_2d=total_lane_f1_2d, total_kpt_pd_2d=total_kpt_pd_2d, total_kpt_tp_2d=total_kpt_tp_2d, total_kpt_accuracy_2d=total_kpt_accuracy_2d) if save_path is not None: os.makedirs(os.path.join(save_path, 'metric', 'lane_detection'), exist_ok=True) with open(os.path.join(save_path, 'metric', 'lane_detection', 'metric_by_task_id.json'), 'w') as f: json.dump(metric_output, f) with open(os.path.join(save_path, 'metric', 'lane_detection', 'metric_summary.json'), 'w') as f: json.dump(metric_total, f)
# return metric_output, metric_total