Source code for

from enum import Enum
from typing import Optional
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation
import numpy as np
from typing import Dict
import math
import open3d as o3d

[docs] class CameraType(Enum): PinHole = "PinHole" Fisheye = "Fisheye" OmniDirectional = "OmniDirectional"
[docs] @classmethod def camera_type_list(cls) -> list: return [_.value for _ in CameraType]
[docs] class Camera: def __init__(self, camera_type: str, heading: Optional[tuple] = None, position: Optional[tuple] = None, intrinsic: Optional[tuple] = None, radial: Optional[tuple] = None, tangential: Optional[tuple] = None, fov: Optional[int] = None, skew: Optional[int] = 0, projection: Optional[tuple] = None, name: str = None ): """ camera object Args: camera_type: Pinholes, fish eyes, panoramic views heading: quaternion (x, y, z, w) position: offset (x, y, z) intrinsic: camera parameter (fx, fy, cx, cy) or (fx, fy, c, d, e, cx, cy) radial: radial distortion (k1...) tangential: tangential distortion (p1...) fov: camera range (angle system) projection: panoramic camera parameters (p0...) Returns: Camera inatance Examples: .. code-block:: python cam = Camera( 'PinHole', heading=(0.4351436321314605, -0.4677553765588058, 0.5492505771794342, -0.5386824023335351), position=(1.5601294, -0.37986112, 1.3333596), intrinsic=(1846.008599353862, 1857.930995475229, 1948.09353722228, 1078.768188621484), radial=(0, 0, 0, 0), tangential=(0, 0) ) """ camera_type_list = CameraType.camera_type_list() assert camera_type in camera_type_list, f'camera_type is one of "{" ".join(camera_type_list)}"' self.camera_type = camera_type self.heading = heading self.position = position self.intrinsic = intrinsic = name if camera_type == CameraType.OmniDirectional.value: assert len(self.intrinsic) == 7, 'intrinsic is fx, fy, c, d, e, cx, cy' else: assert len(self.intrinsic) == 4, 'intrinsic is fx, fy, cx, cy' self.radial = radial self.tangential = tangential self.fov = fov self.projection = projection self.skew = skew def __repr__(self): return "the camera param" @property def rotated_vector(self): """ Extract the x, y, and z components of the rotated vector """ additional_rotation = R.from_quat(self.heading) # 创建一个向量,初始方向为 x 轴方向 vector = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) rotated_vector = additional_rotation.apply(vector) return rotated_vector @property def cam2lidar_rt(self) -> np.matrix: """ Camera rt matrix relative to radar """ r = Rotation.from_quat(self.heading).as_matrix() rt = np.r_[np.c_[r, np.array(self.position)], np.array([[0, 0, 0, 1]])] return np.matrix(rt) @property def intrinsic_matrix(self) -> Optional[np.ndarray]: """ Internal parameter matrix of pinhole and fisheye cameras """ if self.camera_type != CameraType.OmniDirectional.value: fx, fy, cx, cy = self.intrinsic return np.array([ [fx, 0, cx], [0, fy, cy], [0, 0, 1]]) else: return None @property def _radial(self) -> tuple: """ Transverse distortion """ assert len(self.radial) <= 6, 'The radial distortion of this model only supports k1-k6 at present' _ = {f'k{num}': item for num, item in enumerate(self.radial, start=1)} k1 = _.get('k1', 0) k2 = _.get('k2', 0) k3 = _.get('k3', 0) k4 = _.get('k4', 0) k5 = _.get('k5', 0) k6 = _.get('k6', 0) return k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6 def _pinhole_3dto2d(self, **kwargs) -> tuple: """ opencv pinhole camera pixel coordinates """ x, y, z = kwargs['point_in_cam'] fx, fy, cx, cy = self.intrinsic k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6 = self._radial p1, p2 = self.tangential u, v = x / z, y / z r2 = u ** 2 + v ** 2 r4 = r2 ** 2 r6 = r2 * r4 radial = (1 + k1 * r2 + k2 * r4 + k3 * r6) / (1 + k4 * r2 + k5 * r4 + k6 * r6) u = u * radial + 2 * p1 * v * u + p2 * (r2 + 2 * u ** 2) v = v * radial + 2 * p2 * v * u + p1 * (r2 + 2 * v ** 2) return u * fx + cx, v * fy + cy # opencv def _fisheye_3dto2d(self, **kwargs) -> tuple: """ opencv fisheye camera pixel coordinates """ x, y, z = kwargs['point_in_cam'] fx, fy, cx, cy = self.intrinsic k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6 = self._radial alpha = self.skew a = x / abs(z) b = y / abs(z) r2 = a ** 2 + b ** 2 r = math.sqrt(r2) theta = math.atan(r) if z > 0 else math.pi - math.atan(r) theta2 = theta ** 2 theta4 = theta2 ** 2 theta6 = theta2 * theta4 theta8 = theta4 ** 2 theta_d = theta * (1.0 + k1 * theta2 + k2 * theta4 + k3 * theta6 + k4 * theta8) scale = 1.0 / r if r > 1e-8 else 1.0 u, v = theta_d * scale * a, theta_d * scale * b return fx * (u + alpha * v) + cx, fy * v + cy # kb8 def _fisheye2_3dto2d(self, **kwargs) -> tuple: """ kb8 fisheye camera pixel coordinates """ x, y, z = kwargs['point_in_cam'] fx, fy, cx, cy = self.intrinsic k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6 = self._radial alpha = self.skew a = x / abs(z) b = y / abs(z) r2 = a ** 2 + b ** 2 r = math.sqrt(r2) theta = math.atan(r) if z > 0 else math.pi - math.atan(r) theta2 = theta ** 2 theta4 = theta2 ** 2 theta6 = theta2 * theta4 theta8 = theta4 ** 2 theta_d = theta * (1.0 + k1 * theta2 + k2 * theta4 + k3 * theta6 + k4 * theta8) scale = 1.0 / r if r > 1e-8 else 1.0 u, v = theta_d * scale * a, theta_d * scale * b return fx * (u + alpha * v) + cx, fy * v + cy def _omnidirectional_3dto2d(self, **kwargs) -> tuple: """ opencv omnidirectional camera pixel coordinates """ x, y, z = kwargs['point_in_cam'] fx, fy, c, d, e, cx, cy = self.intrinsic norm = math.sqrt(x * x + y * y) theta = math.atan2(-z, norm) theta_i, rho = 1, 0 for pi in self.projection: rho += theta_i * pi theta_i *= theta inv_norm = 1 / norm xn1, xn2 = x * inv_norm * rho, y * inv_norm * rho return xn1 * c + xn2 * d + cx, xn1 * e + xn2 + cy
[docs] def get_pixel_coordinate(self, point_in_cam: tuple) -> tuple: """ Convert point cloud points to pixel coordinates Args: point_in_cam: (x, y, z) The coordinates of points in the camera coordinate system """ if self.camera_type == CameraType.PinHole.value: return self._pinhole_3dto2d(point_in_cam=point_in_cam) elif self.camera_type == CameraType.Fisheye.value: return self._fisheye_3dto2d(point_in_cam=point_in_cam) else: return self._omnidirectional_3dto2d(point_in_cam=point_in_cam)
[docs] @staticmethod def gen_camera(camera: Dict): """ generate the Camera obj Args: camera: Dict camera data Returns: obj: Camera """ def _temp_cam(data: Dict): if not data: return if isinstance(data, Dict): return tuple(data.values()) return data camera_type = _temp_cam(camera.get("type")) assert isinstance(camera_type, str) return Camera(camera_type=_temp_cam(camera.get("type")), heading=_temp_cam(camera.get("heading", None)), position=_temp_cam(camera.get("position", None)), intrinsic=_temp_cam(camera.get("intrinsic", None)), radial=_temp_cam(camera.get("radial", None)), tangential=_temp_cam(camera.get("tangential", None)), fov=_temp_cam(camera.get("fov", None)), projection=_temp_cam(camera.get("projection", None)) )
if __name__ == '__main__': info = { 'position': { 'x': 19.617147983589785, 'y': -0.3571670183003431, 'z': 0.2083393465328241}, 'scale': { 'height': 4.793909959547556, 'width': 2.0032044225562577, 'depth': 1.5418855556278792}, 'rotation': { 'x': 0.0, 'y': 0.0, 'z': -1.5731558280731583} } path = '/Users/stardust/Desktop/1681532060081818.pcd' points = center = [info['position']['x'], info['position']['y'], info['position']['z']] # 中心点坐标 extent = [info['scale']['width'], info['scale']['height'], info['scale']['depth']] # 每个轴上的长度 theta = info['rotation']['z'] rot_mat = np.array([[np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta), 0], [np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta), 0], [0, 0, 1]]) bbox = o3d.geometry.OrientedBoundingBox(center=center, R=rot_mat, extent=extent) _ = bbox.get_point_indices_within_bounding_box(points.points) _len = len(_) _ = np.array([np.asarray(points.points)[p] for p in _]) matrix = np.c_[_, np.array([1] * _len)] cam = Camera( 'PinHole', heading=(0.4351436321314605, -0.4677553765588058, 0.5492505771794342, -0.5386824023335351), position=(1.5601294, -0.37986112, 1.3333596), intrinsic=(1846.008599353862, 1857.930995475229, 1948.09353722228, 1078.768188621484), radial=(0, 0, 0, 0), tangential=(0, 0) ) import cv2 as cv image_path = '/Users/stardust/Desktop/1681532060061245.jpg' img = cv.imread(image_path) point_size = 1 point_color = (0, 0, 255) # BGR thickness = 4 # 可以为 0 、4、8 for points in, cam.cam2lidar_rt.I.T).tolist(): point = np.array(cam.get_pixel_coordinate(points[:3]), int), point, point_size, point_color, thickness) cv.namedWindow("image") cv.imshow('image', img) cv.waitKey(10000) # 显示 10000 ms 即 10s 后消失 cv.destroyAllWindows() from pathlib import Path for file in Path("你的目录").glob("*.json"): print(