Source code for stardust.components.attachment.pointcloud

import os
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List, Optional

import numpy as np
import open3d as o3d

from stardust.components.attachment.attachment import AttachmentType, UriInfo

ALL_POINTCLOUD = (".pcd", ".ply")

[docs] class PointCloud(UriInfo): def __init__( self, uri: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, file_path: Optional[str] = None ): """ Point cloud structure, marked as point cloud type Args: uri: Cloud address of the point cloud nameļ¼š Point cloud name file_path: Local path of the point cloud file Returns: PointCloud instance Examples: .. code-block:: python path = '/Users/stardust/Desktop/1681532060081818.pcd' p = PointCloud(filename=path) print(p.points_info) """ super(PointCloud, self).__init__(uri) self.type = AttachmentType.PointCloud.value = name # assert os.path.isfile(file_path) _, ext = os.path.splitext(file_path) assert ext self.file_path = file_path _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.file_path))[0] # assert _.isdigit(), 'Name the point cloud file according to the time stamp' self.timestamp = _ @property def pcd(self): return
[docs] def points_info(self, add1=False) -> np.ndarray: _ = self.pcd.point.positions.numpy() if add1: _ = np.c_[_, np.array([1] * len(_))] return _
[docs] def get_attribute_items(self, attribute: str) -> Optional[np.ndarray]: try: return eval(f'self.pcd.point.{attribute}.numpy()') except KeyError as e: print(f'No {attribute} attribute, point cloud information:') print(self.pcd) return None
[docs] @dataclass class PointCloudSet: """ Args: point_cloud_set: PointCloud list Returns: PointCloudSet class """ type = AttachmentType.PointCloudSet.value point_cloud_set: List[PointCloud]
if __name__ == '__main__': path = '/Users/stardust/Desktop/files/000206.pcd' p = PointCloud(file_path=path) print(p.points_info(True)) print(p.__dir__())