Source code for stardust.components.annotations.input

from typing import Iterator
from enum import Enum
from uuid import uuid4

from .base_annotation import _T, AnnotationObject

[docs] class InputTypeEnum(Enum): Select = "select" Multiselect = "multiple" Nest = "nested" Number = "number" Text = "text" MultiText = "multiple-text"
[docs] class Input(AnnotationObject): def __init__(self, input_type, value: _T = None, required: bool = False, default: _T = None, name: str = None, options=None, **kwargs ) -> None: """ This structure defines that your input can only be a drop-down box or an input textarea box Args: kind: one type of [select, text, multiple selet] value: _T required: if necessary default: default value name: the name of the current select obj options: All choices allowed by value Returns: Input instance Examples: .. code-block:: python input = Input(input_type="select", value="rain") input.value output: >>> rain """ assert input_type in [member.value for member in InputTypeEnum] self.input_type = input_type = name self.required = required if options: assert isinstance(options, Iterator) self.value = value # 必填且未填 if required and not default: assert value # 多选\嵌套 非 多选 if input_type in (InputTypeEnum.Multiselect.value, InputTypeEnum.Nest.value) \ and not isinstance(self.value, Iterator): self.value = [self.value, ] # 单选 else: pass # assert isinstance(value, (str, int, float, bool)) AnnotationObject.__init__(self, **kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def gen_input(child, parent_id=None): """ generate the input obj Args: child: subclass parent_id: superclass Returns: a Input instance """ input_id = str(uuid4()) parent_id = parent_id if parent_id else "" input_obj = Input(input_type=child['input']['type'].split("-")[0], value=child['input'].get('value', None), parent=parent_id, name=child['label'], team_id = child['input'].get('teamId', None), id=input_id) return input_obj