Source code for

from typing import Union, Optional, Dict, Sequence, List
from stardust.components.annotations.point import Point
from stardust.components.annotations.base_annotation import AnnotationObject

[docs] class Box2D(AnnotationObject): def __init__(self, p1: Union[Sequence, Point] = None, p2: Union[Sequence, Point] = None, center: Union[Sequence, Point] = None, size: Optional[List[float]] = None, source: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) -> None: """ This class defines the structure of box2d label task Args: p1: Point obj or a Sequence obj, the point at the top left corner of a 2d box p2: Point obj or a Sequence obj, the point at the bottom right corner of a 2d box center: Center point coordinates, supporting Point objects or sequences of length 2 size: Size, supports Point objects or sequences of length 2 source: camera name, string, camera name Returns: Box2D instance Examples: .. code-block:: python bx = Box2D(center=[473.07, 395.93], size=[38.65, 28.67]) bx.area >>> output 1108.0955000000001 """ if p1 is not None and p2 is not None: self._set_val("p1", p1) self._set_val("p2", p2) = [self.width / 2 + self.p1[0], self.height / 2 + self.p1[1]] self.size = [self.p2[0] - self.p1[0], self.p2[1] - self.p1[1]] # assert self.size[0] > 0 and self.size[1] > 0 elif center is not None and size is not None: self._set_val("center", center) self._set_val("size", size) self.p1 = [[0] - self.size[0] / 2,[1] - self.size[1] / 2] self.p2 = [[0] + self.size[0] / 2,[1] + self.size[1] / 2] else: raise TypeError("missing required parameters") self.source = source AnnotationObject.__init__(self, **kwargs) def _set_val(self, key, value): if isinstance(value, Sequence): assert len(value) == 2 self.__dict__[key] = list(value) elif isinstance(value, Point): self.__dict__[key] = [value.x, value.y] else: raise TypeError('不支持的数据类型') @property def corners(self) -> Dict[str, Point]: """ Returns: float: the conner points os the current box2d """ return { 'x1': self.p1[0], 'y1': self.p1[1], 'x2': self.p2[0], 'y2': self.p2[1] } @property def x1(self) -> float: """ Returns: float: The x-coordinate of the top left point. """ return self.p1[0] @property def y1(self) -> float: """ Returns: float: The y-coordinate of the top left point. """ return self.p1[1] @property def x2(self) -> float: """ Returns: float: The x-coordinate of the bottom right point. """ return self.p2[0] @property def y2(self) -> float: """ Returns: float: The y-coordinate of the bottom right point. """ return self.p2[0] @property def height(self) -> float: """ Returns: float: the height of the current box2d, axis y """ return round(self.p2[1] - self.p1[1], 2) @property def width(self) -> float: """ Returns: float: the width of the current box2d, axis x """ return round(self.p2[0] - self.p1[0], 2) @property def area(self) -> float: """ Returns: float: the area of the current box2d """ return self.width * self.height
[docs] @staticmethod def gen_box(slot, children_lst=None, parent_id=None, label_kind=None, **kwargs): """ generate the Box2D obj Args: slot: rosetta slot children_lst: rosetta children parent_id: Upper floor id Returns: a Box2D instance """ children_lst = children_lst if children_lst else {} parent_id = parent_id if parent_id else "" label_kind = label_kind if label_kind else "" box2d = Box2D([round((p := slot['plane']["topLeft"])['x'], 2), round(p['y'], 2)], [round((p := slot['plane']["bottomRight"])['x'], 2), round(p['y'], 2)], label=label_kind, id=slot['id'], source=slot.get('source'), children=children_lst, parent=parent_id, team_id=kwargs.get('team_id', None) ) return box2d